Friday, February 8, 2008

Fact vs. Myth

It can be frustrating to continually correct some myths that are commonly associated with Type 1 diabetes. So for the record here are some common misconceptions.

Myth: Taking insulin cures diabetes.
Fact: Insulin keeps people with Type 1 diabetes alive, but does not cure the disease. While there is hope on the horizon, there is still no cure.

Myth: Diabetes is caused by eating too much sugar or by being fat.
Fact: Obesity has been identified as one of the "triggers" for type 2 diabetes but has no relation to the cause of Type 1 diabetes. While scientists do not yet know the exact cause or causes of Type 1 they believe that both genetic and environmental factors are involved. Eating too much sugar is not, and has never been, a factor.

Myth: People with diabetes should never eat sweets.
Fact: Sometimes sweets are a must for Type 1 diabetics especially if there blood sugar level drops too low. Soda, juice or a candy bar are a fast and sure way to raise their blood sugar and prevent the onset of hypoclycemia.

Myth: People with diabetes shouldn't participate in athletics.
Fact: I'll list three. Olympic Gold Medalist Gary Hall, NFL player Mike Echols, and hockey great Bobby Clarke.

Myth: Only kids get Type 1 diabetes.
Fact: Type 1 diabetes, also known as "Juvenile" diabetes, is usually first diagnosed in children, teenagers, or young adults. However, people may develop Type 1 at any age.

Myth: You can "outgrow" Type 1 diabetes.
Fact: Type 1 diabetes is a life long disease.

Myth: If you are following your Physician's orders, ie: monitoring your blood sugar levels, eating correctly, exercising, maintaining your correct insulin dosages, you should have tight control over your blood sugar levels.
Fact: Even with tight control many factors including stress, hormone changes, periods of growth and illness can easily cause blood sugars to swing out of control. Teenagers in particular are more susceptible as their bodies go through many changes during adolescence.

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